How to get a better night’s sleep – world sleep day

World Sleep Day


“Sleep is the best meditation” – Dalai Lama


The 15th of March is world sleep day; an annual day aimed at raising awareness of sleep related issues including medicine, education, social aspects and driving as well as the importance of sleep. Some conditions we focus on for world sleep day and that cause a loss of sleep are:

Insomnia – Can cause difficulty falling asleep, waking up often during the night, generally unrefreshing sleep, waking up too early in the morning and having trouble getting back to sleep.

Sleep apnea – A sleep disorder that occurs when the persons breathing is interrupted; There are two types of sleep apnea: Obstructive sleep apnea which is caused by the blockage of the airway and Central sleep apnea, a less common variant of the disorder where the brain fails to tell the body to breathe. Symptoms of these can be snoring and gasping for air during sleep.

Restless legs syndrome – Causes the sufferer discomfort in the legs and a strong urge to move them and can often occur during the evenings making it particularly hard to sleep.

Narcolepsy– Narcolepsy is a neurological disorder of sleep regulation where the sufferer can experience excessive tiredness in the day and even uncontrollable episodes of falling asleep.

Kleine Levin syndrome – sufferers of this disorder can sleep for up to 20 hours a day, for several weeks

Night sweats– these are caused by underlying health conditions such as certain types of cancer, certain infections and can also be a symptom of menopause.

If you suspect you may have any of these sleep disorders the best course of action is to discuss it with your doctor, a sleep diary may help you to inform your doctor fully of your symptoms. If your doctor suspects you may have a sleep condition you may be referred to a sleep clinic where a specialist can carry out a sleep study.


How much sleep should I get?


Over the years specialists are becoming increasingly aware of the benefits of good sleep on our mental and physical health and though we are far from understanding sleep entirely there is no doubt that there are some clear benefits of getting a healthy amount of sleep.  Before thinking about these benefits it’s important to ask; what is a healthy amount of sleep?

We have all heard the supposed 8 hour recommendation but people are much more complex than that and the amount of sleep one needs can vary drastically from person to person. According to studies the average person gets roughly 6.8 hours of sleep per night which for some people can be completely fine but for others can result in overall poorer health. Oversleeping can also prove to be the result of various conditions as well as being linked to the same conditions as not getting enough sleep.


How to improve your sleep


With all this in mind it can be hard to find the right balance though at Homespace Direct we have put together some key tips on how to secure a good night sleep.

Maintaining a consistent sleep pattern – Most specialists agree on the unquestionable benefits of maintaining a healthy sleeping routine. Your body’s internal clock plays a key role in regulating your sleep-wake cycle and tells your body when it’s time to wake up and when to start unwinding in the evening.  An inconsistent sleep schedule can result in drowsiness, memory issues, headaches and a decline in basic cognitive skills.

Meditation – known as a great way to combat insomnia but practiced by many around the world before going to bed to relieve stress as it goes without saying that we sleep much better when we are free from stress.

Exercise – Exercise during the day is a great way to relieve tension and ensure you will sleep better at night, just don’t do too much vigorous exercise directly before bed as it can keep you awake.

No Screens – Bright screens on mobile phones, computers and laptops keep us awake and unable to sleep as well.

Alcohol – Many of us believe alcohol helps us get to sleep as it may do initially but it also prevents us going into deep sleep (REM) and can disrupt your sleep later in the night.

Caffeine – A reduction in caffeine seems an obvious way to help your sleep but many people don’t realise how detrimental drinking tea, coffee, cola’s or eating chocolate during the evening can prove to your sleep; try a warm milky or herbal drink in the evenings and you should notice a big difference

A comfortable sleeping environment – Comfort is extremely important when trying to sleep and bed, mattress, bedding and pillows should always be of importance.


Benefits of getting better sleep.


There are many benefits to following these guidelines for better sleep,here are a few reasons why good sleep helps you feel your best:

Reduced stress – Being tired can cause your brain to produce elevated levels of stress hormones

Improved Memory – Sleep is the perfect time for your brain to organise and store memories and so not getting enough sleep can cause memory loss or forgetfulness

Lowering blood pressure – Lack of sleep can cause high blood pressure resulting in increased risk of cardiovascular conditions or stroke.

Immune system – Healthy sleep allows your body to create extra protein molecules which fight infection.

Weight and appetite – Studies show that poor sleep has a direct impact on an increased appetite and so sleeping well can make it much easier to maintain a healthy weight.


How can we at Homespace Direct help you sleep?


As previously mentioned a comfortable sleeping environment can have a huge impact on the quality of your sleep and this is where we come in. It is vital not to ignore the importance of bedding on your sleep, for example sleeping in a cooler room is said to allow you to fall asleep faster and to sleep deeper so lighter materials should be considered depending on the season/ temperature of your room (Some experts even suggest that sleeping naked can help so maybe even take how you personally sleep into account when choosing lighter or hotter duvets).

In a recent study good sleepers reported prioritising clean sheets as a factor in their sleep and how often you replace your bedding also has an impact on sleep hygiene.

Materials on duvet covers vary in weight and can alter how hot or cool you are as you sleep. Thread count is a basic measure of the fineness of its stitching. It comes in threads per square inch and sleep experts recommend staying in 400-500 thread count range.

Cotton is also considered a superior material and synthetic materials will generally be hotter. At Homespace we offer 100% cotton duvet covers in a plethora of different styles.

Sometimes the only adjustment you need for better sleep is a new pillow. We offer many different Dunlopillo pillows suited to different needs with varying firmness and levels of support. Sometimes the pillow you need can be tailored to your needs.


Whether you favour floral designs, modern, traditional or designer products you can find high quality bedding that will suit your needs in a variety of designs and price ranges this world sleep day here at Homespace Direct.



About Author

Hello, I am Rebecca and my role at Home Space Direct is to populate the blog with informative and interesting pieces that keep audiences engaged and answer any of your purchase questions and queries. I am passionate about interior design, textiles and of course writing. I have been immersed in the textile industry, particularly the ecommerce side for many years so hopefully you will find my blogs creative as well as knowledgeable. Happy reading and do comment on the blog if you would like to know more about any of the subjects discussed.

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